Uselessness With a Twist

Monday, April 13, 2009

Big River

I'm back in Maputo after a week on the Zambezi River. It was quite a trip, with broken roads, potholes that could swallow an elephant, a road full of baboons, and a friendly how-de-do from a little scorpion that decided to explore my foot. Thankfully, it was too small to sting (I think) and I was able to carefully remove it without incident using a quick flick of the ankle.

It was good to get back in the field. Spending too much time in Maputo made me forget that Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world, and that there are places where people are struggling just to get a meal or two each day.

1 comment:

KP said...

love the pic, Jonny. Can't wait to see the rest of them when you're back home. Long live B&G!