Uselessness With a Twist

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Facebook Schmacebook

Somehow, my wife roped me into joining the extremely obnoxious social networking site Facebook. She's persuasive; she even got our good friend Krista over at the very funny myblogateyourblog site to join.

From what I can tell so far, the sole reason for having a Facebook account is to be able to verify that the guy whose front yard you toilet papered in the 10th grade is, in fact, still alive. Also, many a cubicle hour can be wasted "poking" your "friends," sending them clip art beers, or generally net workin it.

Better yet, I get to stare in awe with an anthropological fascination as my wife shows me photos of all the guys she kissed in high school, and wonder if there's something in the New York water that induces some sort of acute guido syndrome in all Long Island males over 25. In any event, it's good to know that fake tans and steroids are still in style somewhere.

1 comment:

KP said...

I agree, Jonny. It's like curiosity crack. I found one guy from the small town in New Hampshire that I attended middle school (Epping) who's on there. He looks like a terrorist and yet I'm hoping he'll be my "friend."

I'll be sure to "buy" you if you send me a "doughnut."
